Lucy: Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen

lucy movie white people
I’m tired of seeing white people on the silver screen.

First, let me note that I am white. I am a white woman who goes to the theater to see probably a dozen films (if not more) in a given year, a white woman who readily consumes TV shows and series and often blogs/tweets about them. I love film. I love what Hollywood could be, but I must say that I don’t love what it is, and that is a machine generating story after story in which the audience is asked to root for a white (usually male) hero over and over and over (and over) again. I’m tired. I’m tired of directors pretending that white actors are the default and that people of color are a distraction when it comes to filmmaking. I’m tired of black women in Hollywood being relegated to roles of slaves and “the help” over and over again. I’m tired of films convincing themselves that they are taking on something fresh and new, the likes of which the world has never seen, but in actuality adhering to tired tropes and stereotypes.

One example that comes to mind is Avatar, a “groundbreaking” film about aliens and humanity, which, underneath it all, is the same old White Savior story. But more recently is Lucy, the film starring Scarlett Johansson in which a woman named Lucy evolves and is able to use 100% of her brain’s capacity after she unwittingly ingests a massive amount of drugs.

Lucy is about what humankind could be: it’s about possibilities. As Lucy’s brainpower grows stronger and the volume of knowledge she is able to access increases, she delivers monologues about how little humans understand about death, existence, and the universe, mediating on time and history. The film likes to think of itself as reimagining everything that we think we know about humanity, and presents to us their vision of what the most evolved woman on earth looks like:

A blonde white woman.

See, I just can’t get right with that.

You see, I was an anthropology major in high school and by the time I was 16 I’d learned all about Lucy (Australopithecus), the collection of bones found in Hadar and thought to have lived 3.2 million years ago, one of the oldest hominids we know of. Lucy the film doesn’t try to hide how cute they thought they were being by naming the supreme evolved being in their film “Lucy:” they show an ape-like creature crouched by a stream to illustrate just how far human beings have come, and say as much in the opening lines, depicting vast cities built up to show our progress. The original Lucy was not really an ape, though: she had small skull capacity like apes, but her skeleton shows she was bipedal and walked upright like humans. Hadar, by the way, is in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia.

So I guess what’s sticking in my craw is the assertion that while human life originated in Africa—a detail the film neatly skims over, placing the ape-like Lucy that Johansson sees in North America—somehow the way we imagine the most evolved human being is blonde and white. Even more, when Lucy gets surges of knowledge in the film, her eyes flash brightly blue. Because blue eyes, we all know, are the universal symbol of superiority, right?

How is it that in a film whose premise rests on the idea of reimagining the past, present, and future, we still end up with a blonde white woman with flashing blue eyes as the stand-in for what personifies evolution and supremely fulfilled human potential? At one point the Ape-like Lucy and Evolved Lucy meet face-to-face as Evolved Lucy does a bit of time-traveling. Their fingers touch, and we see them deliberately posed to mimic the famous Creation of Adam painting, and in that moment I saw what I suppose we were supposed to see: humanity at its beginning, and then humanity at its end, at its most perfect. Blonde, white, and blue-eyed.

I can’t accept that. I can’t accept that there was only one black woman in the entire film, who delivered one line and who we never saw again. I can’t accept that the bad guys were Asian and that although in China, Lucy’s roommate says, “I mean, who speaks Chinese? I don’t speak Chinese!” I can’t accept that in Hercules, which I also saw this weekend, there were no people of color except for Dwayne Johnson himself and his mixed-race wife, whose skin was almost alabaster. I can’t accept that she got maybe two lines and was then murdered. I can’t accept that the “primitive tribe” in Hercules consisted of dark-haired men painted heavily, blackish green, to give their skin (head-to-toe) a darker appearance, so the audience could easily differentiate between good and bad guys by the white vs. dark skin. I can’t accept that during the previews, Exodus: Gods and Kings, a story about Moses leading the Israelite slaves out of Egypt, where not a single person of color is represented, casts Sigourney Weaver and Joel Edgerton to play Egyptians. I can’t accept that in the preview for Kingsman: The Secret Service, which takes place in London, features a cast of white boys and not a single person of Indian descent, which make up the largest non-white ethnic group in London. I can’t accept that in stories about the end of the world and the apocalypse, that somehow only white people survive. I can’t accept that while my daily life is filled with black and brown women, they are completely absent, erased, when I look at a TV or movie screen.

I can’t accept that. And I can’t accept that when we think about the potential of humankind and what our brains are capable of doing and thinking and feeling, that people of color would be absent from that imagining. I can’t accept that. And I won’t. I’m tired of seeing people that look like me crowding screens both big and small: I am not what the world looks like. Hollywood, stop whitewashing characters. Give us more films like this year’s Annie. I’m no Lucy: like everyone else I’m only using a tiny amount of my brain’s capacity. But you don’t need to be a superhuman logic-machine to see that Hollywood has a major problem with depicting people of color, and it’s time to actually reimagine what the world can and should be. 

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86 thoughts on “Lucy: Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen

  1. J.R. LeMar says:

    I get your points, and don’t disagree. Still, in this case, it’s good to see a female (of any color) lead in a “superhero” action film like this. Especially when you consider that ever since she appeared in Iron Man 2, fans have been clamoring for a solo Black Widow film, while Marvel/Disney hesitates due to the erroneous Hollywood belief that “female action films don’t sell.” So now here we have Johansson in a film playing a brand new character and she beat Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Hercules! That’s pretty cool!

    Sure, I’d like to see a similar female superhero/action film starring someone like Lupita Nyong’o (I’ve actually created my own superhero character based on her, now I just gotta write a screenplay and get it to her agent…), but every film like this is still a good step in the right direction.

  2. I was jsut saying the same thing… this weekend my SO and I went to see Hercules and then seeing the preview of Exodus… I said …”interesting… why are there no one in those films who look like me… remotely close to my shade”… Guess Hollywood movies that are not Tyler Perryesque, or SteveHarveyesque can’t have actors in leading roles that look a shade or two like me….

    Was listening to NPR Tell Me More and there was a discussion about that Casting call debacle and one of the panel members sounded disturbed that Beyonce woudl have been considered a “B” girl… therefore she was proud she also fit into that category… again, color and the lighter you go, the better you tend to be perceived.

    Anyway, it’s tiring to see these Hollywood blockbuster films and the diversity in these films are not up to par with the rest of society… sigh, sigh again… and sigh again!

  3. THIS. ALL. OF. THIS.👍 And, where was the #MissingBlackWoman in Lucy? I think I missed her!?

  4. Alison Loris says:

    It is both unacceptable and completely understandable that the firm’s Lucy is — like most so many Americans’ visualization of the ancient Semite Jesus Christ – a blue-eyed blonde. The depiction of a woman of color as a highly evolved super-being would so terrify mainstream American audiences that the movie could only succeed if she were hunted down and killed. You know that.

    Your broader point is valid all the same. There need to be many many more people of color in movies as regular people — that is, not bad guys or victims only, but friends, co-workers, officials, professionals, members of the public — as well as heroes and heroines. We need to see in movies the multi-colored multi-cultural society we see around us in real life. We need more filmmakers who choose the best actor available for a role, not the right skin color. The role of Lola in KINKY BOOTS, for example, has no obvious race attached, but a racist or timid filmmaker would not have cast Chiwetel Ejiofor.

    But there’s a reason why we don’t see that very often. A lot of people go to movies to see fantasy, not real life, and a lot of Americans are clinging hopelessly, bitterly, to a fantasy world in which people of color are irrelevant.

  5. Well I have to applaud you again about writing this. I say the same thing about that. Hell, I was watching hgtv one weekend and all day yard crashes, bath crashes, I hate my bath.. All of them were white people. As if Blacks, Hispanics, and other groups don’t want their homes fixed or deserve their homes crashed. I stopped watching it a few years ago because of that reason, and guess what it’s still the same. The magazines and the tv, really don’t believe in being more diverse. It’s the way of the world.. Sad to say it’s still this way.. But glad you notice

  6. Amber S says:

    YEP. I read your article on Huff Post via Yahoo newsfeed and am so glad the link to your blog was posted. I appreciate your news article, very rarely are their blacks in leading roles in Hollywood that don’t show them in a serving role (The Butler or The Help) or the sidekick black friend. I’ll be honest with you, I’m pretty color blind, but if one does give this issue some thought, it’s true. And it’s not like there aren’t blacks out there, there are plenty vying for roles, but Hollywood definitely goes by a white America. Of course… blacks have demonstrated their superb skills in the sports world…*smiles*

  7. Amber S says:

    P.S. – Don’t read the bulk of the comments on the Huff Post site, they’re pretty much racist pessimists *sad face*

  8. Great blog/huff post…More white writers need to tackle/discuss issues of race and gender. That said, many Americans are still uncomfortable with diversity. It is not a Hollywood problem, it is a systemic one.

  9. Osei Sankara says:

    Damn, Olivia! Drop it!

    Are you participating in the National Summit For Courageous Conversation in New Orleans this October? You might want to consider it:

    Keep fighin the good fight!


  10. Thank you very much for this article. When I was a teenager, I attempted to model only to find makeup artists contouring my Asian face to look more “white” with a slimmer stream-lined nose, thinner lips, lighter skin, and more pronounced cheek bones. Unfortunately, I am sad to see what occurs in movies and equally sad to look at magazines only to feel that agencies are trying to fill a “quota” of diversity simply to not look bad. And, yet, all these multi-racial models are made up and photo-shopped to have facial features distinct to a more European look. I left the industry to gain back security and confidence that my Asian features would be more widely accepted by people who actually knew me and not Hollywood agents. I hope articles like yours gains enough traction for people to recognize the reality of what is still occuring with regards to racial profiling/stereotyping.

  11. […] earlier this morning I read a blog from Olivia A. Cole Lucy: Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen, in which she makes some very good and compelling points about racial diversity, and the lack […]

  12. Alex B. says:

    Hmmm. Great thoughts! I especially connected with your interpretation of the ending, “humanity at its beginning, and then humanity at its end, at its most perfect. Blonde, white, and blue-eyed.” What trips me out the most is that I can’t for the life of me believe that Hollywood execs are doing this crap on purpose. I mean they can’t be… The industry’s most promoted films lack diversity and it’s been unacceptable, but I don’t see things changing any time soon.

    Oh and P.S. I can totally picture the one Black woman in Lucy, but I can’t remember what she was doing or what she said. I think she worked in the hospital or something. That’s a shame.

    • evilsoup says:

      I can’t for the life of me believe that Hollywood execs are doing this crap on purpose.

      While I’m sure that the execs aren’t dressing up in Klan outfits or whatever, they certainly are doing it on purpose: they have a formula, and straying too far out of that formula is seen as taking a risk. If you cast a white person as the lead and the film flops, then sorry buddy but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles, better luck next time. If you cast anyone else as the lead and the film flops — well, what the hell were you expecting? There’s a formula for a reason, pal!

      It’s racism born out of cowardice, greed and indifference rather than hate, but the effect is the same — it’s still racism, it’s still deliberate, it’s still reprehensible.

  13. Thanks for coming “out” ! As an African American who remembers when it was taboo to see a man of color embrace an american-european female on screen appreciates your candor and courage to print about the “huge pink elephant” in the room. What struck me was your words were historical reflections of what folks of color have been saying since the days of Gone with Wind and Tarzan eras. Your words coming from someone who has enjoyed “white privilege” is refreshing and the airing of dirty laundry during the post Obama election decade is relevant. I did notice that you did not mention the concept of diversity nor did you make the classic case argument; however your piece for people of color is a beginning towards discussions of much deeper and broader issues of race, gender and class. As media decision makers progress towards your ideal, I do hope that it does not get stuck in the black and white paradigm. It is long overdue that Asian americans, Latinos, Native Americans, East Indians, and folks around the world are part of this dialogue. Your rant will advance the trendy word of “inclusion” when it comes to media images and portrayals. Merci!

  14. THANK YOU OLIVIA!!! It’s really sad ’til this day Hollyweird continues to operate like this to various people of color. The whitewashing is real and unnecessary. Some years ago, I read that Angelina Jolie was suppose to play Cleopatra. The last I remember, Cleopatra was of African descent and darker skin, Angelina, I don’t see it. I definitely didn’t see it in Elizabeth Taylor. This is how they use media/images to lower the public minds. Sad that people continue to fall for this type of propaganda.

    • gssmith21187 says:

      Well you don’t remember right. Cleopatra was Greek. Her family ruled over Egypt for about 300 years. So they were a lot lighter skinned then Egyptian people. Besides Egyptians are not black, they look more Arabic.

      • You’re only half right. Cleopatra was Greek, as she was a Ptolemy, so she was not a woman of color. However, the ancient Egyptians WERE people of color. Specifically, they were black Africans, and they depicted and described themselves as such. As for modern Egyptians, the majority look how they look because Arabs invaded Egypt on their push West to spread Islam during the early Middle Ages, and they just kept coming as Egypt and Arabia are so close to each other. It’s well known that many of the Muslim invaders settled and took wives among the people they conquered. You can figure out the rest. :)

  15. I am SO glad I stumbled across your post on Huffington Post which led me to your blog. I am a black woman and a former actress myself. One of the reasons I lost my passion for acting and quit was because of this very subject. I had no interest in playing maid, slaves or sassy black sidekicks. And that was really all there was (and for the most part still is) available in the film world. I had an acting teacher once pull me aside and tell me that he thought I was an amazing actress but that I would not get much work since I am black. At the time I was really upset by it but that sad truth is he was absolutely right.

    • gingerfires says:

      Valiantly… I’m gonna be honest with you… the African American public doesn’t need you as their actress. And I’ll tell you why.

      I have dozens upon dozens of African American actor friends. Dozens. I know probably close to 50. I film some of their acting reels. I print out their auditions pieces. I have not once, in the 15 years I’ve been doing this, printed off one “maid or slave” script. Not one.

      I was born in 1974. I’ve been through Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. I’ve lived through the time of the height of Babyface. I saw the rise of New Jack. I’ve studied film and television and have a degree in media production. I’ve watch “Color Adjustment” a million times, wrote papers about it, own it.

      I’ve met Jesse Jackson. I’ve met Obama.

      Have I printed off the “sassy friend” script? Ohhhh yeah.
      Have I printed off the “sassy friend” script for white, asian, indian and mixed-raced folks? Ohhhhh you betcha.

      In fact, I have printed off slave scripts, but it’s been for stupid Greek and Roman stuff.

      There is, 100%, an issue in Hollywood with race. No doubt.

      But there also is an issue with people who are determined to create their own obstacles.

      If you’re truly stating, all Hollywood has ever offered you was slave and maid roles, that’s a lie. What everyone I’m seeing gets offered is CSI show after forensic medicine shows to crime shows to reality crazy women shows.

      How many slave shows are on tv?
      How many shows about maids are on tv? I can think of one, Devious Maids.

      Mentally, list all the slave movies you can name that have come out in the last 10 years.

      For you to say, in your own words “that was really all there was (and for the most part still is)”, is simply you projecting your own personal prejudices.

      In order to “make it” in Hollywood, you have to realize a few things:
      a paid job, is a paid job
      the first part of success is showing up
      nobody is going to knock on your door
      nobody is going to hand you the dream character from the starting gate
      you have got to be in it for the long haul

      Look at WHITE WOMEN. For every one white blonde woman in Hollywood, there are 1 million others right behind her. All competing for the same spot. Sure, there are so many African Americans who are turned away time and time again – but if you’re the only black woman left in the room, your competition is you against 1 million white girls… suddenly… you may realize… you aren’t competing against them, cause they all look and sound alike… you, suddenly, have your foot way in the door.

      The scenario I painted was very simple. But, I’m sorry, I don’t know how old you are, but whatever Dorothy Dandridge endured… whatever Diane Carrol endured… Pearl Bailey… Lena Horne… is more than any young girl of this generation will EVER have to endure. The road has been paved!

      Gaberial Union may not be getting offered the roles Scarlett Johasson is getting, but Gaberial Union is definitely getting more work than Dorothy Dandridge ever did. Gaberial Union still has prejudices she has to deal with, with Hollywood typically going after Caucasian talent – but you’re going to expect me to believe Gaberial Union and Jada Pickett Smith are in a heated battle for slave roles and maid roles?

      It is up to this generation to smash the glass ceiling! Not complain about it!

      So, I’m sorry to be so rude, but if Hollywood’s prejudices scared you – I get it. But to concoct this idea that all you were offered was the roles of maids and slaves and you look like your in your 30’s… I’m sorry darling, I’m not that dumb. You’re making crap up.

      I am really sick and tired of people complaining about racism in American when they actually do not see how they perpetuate racism against themselves.

      I think being racist is just as bad as perpetuating racism – and I don’t care if it’s a white man perpetuating it or a black man – it’s all the same.

      If you don’t believe in Steve Bikko’s words “Black is Beautiful” then get therapy, therapy, therapy. And stop making crap up thinking victimization is empowerment.

      Read Malcolm X. Read Steve Bikko. Read Nelson Mandela. Realize the roads have been paved an it’s OUR JOB to move forward, otherwise, you never understood their suffering and pain they went through for all of us.

      If your idea is you would show up in Hollywood and someone would say, “you’re a star baby”, you were gravely mistaken.

  16. Sad to note the racial profile of the positive comments above. This seems to indicate that except for the writer (and a few other like minded people), mainstream consumers of Hollywood regard this interpretation of reality as accurate. Should we blame Hollywood for re-enacting mainstream’s “reality”? Or do we question people who tenaciously create and maintain this version of the world.

    • gingerfires says:

      Don’t fall in the lazy trap.

      Is their blatant racism in Hollywood – oh yeah.

      But! Also notice most of the champions of Olivia Cole’s column. African American.

      I’m pointing this out because I don’t know the age of these folks, but I’m going out on a limb here… I’m gonna say whoever these people are, regardless of race, are not very savvy.

      To begin with, everyone failed to see how Cole marginalized other races and ethnicities. She championed African Americans, but clearly can’t differentiate Asian cultures. So, to say the article was understood to embrace diversity is false. It didn’t.

      In fact, sadly, most people in American, when they think of diversity, they think white and black relations. Diversity is America is also categorized by gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, race, ethnicity…

      The movie Lucy, in fact had TREMENDOUS diversity! The movie also sucked, but it was filmed in Taipei (not China, like the author originally stated) and also France. The film’s director is French. In lead roles you had a white American woman, a African American man, a Korean man and an Egyptian man. So far, in the lead character category, white is the minority.

      In the larger casting, you have Chinese and Korean bad guys, French cops, and Irish minor bad guy and thousands of Taiwanese and European extras.

      What everyone seems to focus on is JUST African American in Cole’s argument. If you truly have an eye for diversity, you can acknowledge other races.

      What is at play here, which can be argued, is the need for storyline protagonists that are lead characters who are not Caucasian. If you simply wish Scarlett Johasson could have been played by Jada Pickett Smith – I will have your back.

      But, if someone is going to turn around and say “Jada Pickett Smith took this roll and I don’t see enough black people in the cast… therefore… she’s a sell out” then I seriously have a problem.

      The author doesn’t want to acknowledge Morgan Freeman is in the film. She doesn’t want to focus on the fact the the last Will Smith movies, After Earth, Hancock, I am Legend, and the Men in Black franchise, all placed a black man in the world of Sci-Fi. These were also apocolyptic type movies where Will Smith is the star. She wants to ignore it.

      Look, there is a problem with Hollywood often casting white on white on white. But, if you CHOOSE to ignore SUCCESS, then as far as I’m concerned, go to your room and lock the door.

      You’re not helping the cause.

      You’re not helping people.

      You’re not an activist.

      You are a pacifist.

      Pacifists get zero done. Zero.

      It’s like not going to your child’s play because you couldn’t find a place to park… so you went home.

      Find a f*cking place to park and support your people. Otherwise, we don’t need you.

  17. Reblogged this on Curves Like An Ampersand and commented:
    I really loved the movie Lucy, and I liked Hercules a lot, but I had a lot of the same thoughts the author discusses after I watched both of those movies this weekend.

  18. Mr. Perfect says:

    You hit it on the head….why else name a action movie like this Lucy? Lucy isn’t appealing what so ever for an action movie….the only reason Hollywood would go this route is to put into your mind that the oldest known human was a white woman named lucy…wait that evolved from an ape…Not the Ethiopian woman who was never an ape …That’s Racism/White Supremacy at it’s finest. I need to get the bootleg just as a discussion piece on this sh**. Thankyou Olivia for speaking the truth.

  19. I love this article. Ironic. Ms. Cole..I just wrote a sort of similar post/letter to the Hallmark Channel. Please review my post . I agree. What about Exodus (Moses Movie) by Ridley Scott. Christian Bale, Aaron Paul, Joel Edgerton,- all white about!! but the rest of the cast is Egyptian WTF. eyeroll. Anyway great article. I’m a fan. Here is what I wrote to HallMark!

    Where is the Diversity on your Hallmark Movies and original programming? – It is 2014 Hallmark!!

    I have watched the Hallmark Channel Original Movies for years now. I love them. I absolutely love them. I just saw Trading Christmas with Faith Ford. I think it was the Best Hallmark movie, I have ever seen. I own all of the Love Comes Softly Series, Love 31 days of Xmas movies, and everything about your channel. I am watching Cheers right now. However, I am TIRED of watching all these movies with all these white lead actors playing these parts. I mean for real. My sister mentioned this FACT the other day and I did some research…. Have there been ANY leads actor in your movie or original programming with people of color? Okay, you had maybe 2 or 3 movies with Asian women (did not fact check) . There is Oprah presents (really)…. Recently, Eva Larue ( who is biracial although you would know it) was in a movie. Oh and don’t start with… “we just made movie with the Kim Fields” (Tooty). Is she playing a lead…. no? She is playing what else, the best friend and co-worker. Oh gee that is original. Aren’t we past the black chic being the best friend, or the co worker, or the…whatever. If I start to go down the Black male lead path or…Latino male lead path, there is almost nothing. Can we get a Asian male lead? What about an Indian male lead? You premiered like 33 (?) movies in 2013 with little to no female or male lead actors of color. Why? I just reviewed the website and IMBD ( movie database ) some of the movies. And I don’t see much. No male leads. The cast of Cedar Cove ( which I watch) has almost no minority lead actors and are there NO minorities in Cedar Cove, USA? What is happening?

    I mean look at the line up for network television and cable. WHAT SHOWS ARE IN THE TOP TEN? Most have a lead minority actor. Scandal is the #1 show on TV. It is centered around a Black Women. The 2014 Fall Lineup has the most diverse line up in …well ever. ALL the major networks have minority driven shows. Did you hear what ABC executives just said about diversity? ABC quote – “In a way, it’s not so much diversity as authenticity,” Lee says. “If you look at shows now that seem to lack diversity, they actually feel dated, because America doesn’t look like that anymore.”

    This is a true statement. It is not authentic. Let’s be real. Crown Media Holdings owns Hallmark greeting cards. You guys sell to EVERYONE. You don’t’ just sell the white community. Why continue to make movies to reflect….what? Are you no longer affiliated with a Christan network? Didn’t start that way? As christian we are supposed to love everyone and embrace all races. What is happening?

    One of my favorite shows is Downton Abbey. The WHITEST SHOW ON TV. Even THEY had a black character/storyline on the show last season. I mean really. What else needs to happen? All the networks are upping their diversity levels in TV. Jane the Virgin ( Latino Family), Fresh Off the Boat (Chinese – American), I could go on! I just don’t know what to say. Are you guys making money? Yes. You are rebranding in Oct. Rebranding means more profits. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE your movies. I watch more television than anyone I know. I will watch anything. But I am tired of seeing the lack of color in your original movies.

    I guess I could stop watching and boycott, but I am not going to do that. I simply love your original movies. They make me happy, they are funny, they are romantic without being cheesy. Well written with actors I love. I like the formula and it is working. Your network is doing well in the ratings and making original programming, CEDAR COVE is a great show. Yeah, I could say I’m over it and boycott or I could take the JAY Z approach . When Shawn Carter announced a partnership with Barney’s, there was controversy over Barney’s discriminatory and “alleged” racist practices at the store. People were in an uproar and wanted him to boycott the store..etc. Instead he said “I am in a unique position to use my voice to affect change to this disturbing issue. The easy position would have been to walk away and leave policy making to others hoping that someone addresses the problem. I will not leave the outcome to others. I will take this into my own hands with full power to recommend, review and revise policies and guidelines moving forward. I am choosing to take this head on.” What happened? In Jan. 2014 Barney’s posted 1 million profit for Jay Z’s line…so far #jayz He sits on the Board and can now make executive decisions to promote more minority designers, diversity, and, tolerance.

    I feel the same way about this issue. Do I sit here and take it? Or do I do something about it? I am highly educated women. I am doubled credentialed in two industries. I am a business woman who would like her young daughter to see the truth. Diversity is the TRUTH!! Globalization is the TRUTH! White people will be minority in future. You have to create better programming for ALL Americans not just the pale ones. I do not speak for my black culture. I speak for ALL the other cultures who are darker shades who want to see their culture in a Romantic Movie. We are more than girlfriends and coworkers. They are Black, Latino, Asian, Indian, Native American actors who can play in your movies. If you need a list…let me know. I have some names. Until then, I am going to stay on your ASS until you do something different! It is time to catch up to the real world. #foreal #diversity #supportminorityactors #getoverit #dobetter #stayonyourass

    • gingerfires says:

      You were way more on point that Cole. Way. You at least acknowledge the plethora of diversity that’s out there and savior it with zest and brio! Your Lee Daniels statement is priceless.

      Ultimately, I hope with the growth of diversity people get wise. I mean, diversity in media is essential, because it reflects who we are. But also, if you are into foreign films or to make this easier, cartoons, media doesn’t have to visually reflect us either.

      I have no issue going month after month of only watching Korean films.

      The harder thing to grasp is good writing. Fleshed out characters. Substance.

      Cole wants more movies like the new “Annie”. To me, remakes are often lame. They always have the unfortunate task of being compared to the originals. It’s almost like asking someone, which parent do you love more?

      Gotta love that Shonda Rhimes though… “How to Commit Murder”… I can already tell that’s gonna be me new crush. Viola Davis is EVERYTHING.

  20. anthony b says:

    It was refreshing to read these words from a Caucasian regarding the absence of minorities on TV and film. It’s sad that filmmakers don’t see or can’t relate to people of color in certain roles. I’m an Afro-American male and there have been numerous times when I have mentioned to my white colleagues in my office, that I’m going to a movie with a predominantly black cast and they either have never heard of it or they have never seen it. I see plenty of “white” movies. It’s funny we don’t call them white movies but that is really what they are if they only show one or two people of color. The black experience or black life period doesn’t mean much to white America. When a black child or person gets murdered, raped or victimized in some form or fashion I don’t see or hear much if any compassion. It’s good that filmmakers of color are making movies showcasing other people of color. I know some Afro-American people who don’t like Tyler Perry movies because they say they are all the same showing us, particularly women as victims that find somehow find Christianity in the end. I on the other hand think that more movies with people of color is a step in the right direction. There are a boat load of terrible “white” movies that are out there, but at least they are being made and watched. To really make a big impact though, white filmmakers have to start making movies with people of color in various roles and focusing on them as the main characters.

  21. TribeAppeal says:

    Reblogged this on TribeAppeal and commented:
    What the world needs to read and think about…

  22. couldn’t find your reviews for ‘Omar,’ ’20 feet from Stardom,’ ‘Fruitvale Station,’ ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild,’ etc. etc.
    If you only go see Big Studio Movies and wonder why all Big Studio Movies have the same components, you may need to consider all of the movies you aren’t seeing. And then wonder that if you’re not seeing them, why a big studio would make movies like them?

    I don’t know what you see and don’t write about, hopefully you enjoyed the above-mentioned.
    but if you haven’t given the type of movies you want to see your $8 for a ticket, why should a studio invest a few million to make another one like it?

  23. amigotips says:

    What is your ideal movie?

  24. No little irony here. Just as a privileged white woman is playing Lucy, so also a privileged white woman, Ms. Cole, appears at the Huffington Post making the point that there are too many white faces in mainstream movies. From the same perspective, aren’t there too many white voices in the mainstream press? What makes Olivia Cole different? Because she “cares,” her appearance is apparently fine. But just as there are only so many roles in big budget Hollywood movies to go around, so also there are only so many slots at esteemed, widely-read outlets like Huffington (founded by a woman of extensive privilege), and most of those slots seem to go to those from elite backgrounds.

    If we’re to focus on representation by race, why not by class?

    Of course, Olivia isn’t presuming to speak for working class folk, only for . . . ?

    Appropriation, anyone?

  25. They put white leads in to teach white people to loath their own people. Elysium is an obvious example for this.

  26. J.C. Henry says:

    I agree with this post. It is good to know that I am not alone. The only way I can protest is not paying to watch the movie. I don’t have anything against Scarlet Johanson but I guess she is the new action movie girl b/c Angelina has given up her ponytail and boots.

    • gingerfires says:

      This is what infuriates me about Olivia Cole’s column – I don’t think she ever saw the movie! She got so much of the facts and storyline WRONG.

      I saw it. It started out promising but then just SUCKED.

      JC, you were smart enough to at least google the movie. You know Angelina Jolie was offered the role first.

      Now, recap Cole’s column.

      Cole goes on and on about how Hollywood wants us to lust after the evolution of the blonde, blue-eyed white woman.

      Ok. Now google Angelina Jolie again.

      She has hazel eyes and brown hair.

      So, Cole, was manipulating you by falsely defaming the movie acting as if part of the storyline was specifically about blonde blue-eyed evolution. False.

      Plus, in terms of diversity – the movie is drenched in diversity. African Americans – no. There is Morgan Freeman and that’s all I can attest to.

      But, there are Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese, French, Irish, Egyptian, English, Indian actors all over the movie. And I personally love Choi Min-sik. He’s in the movie. He was the lead in the original Oldboy. Also Amr Waked. He was in both Oscar nominated films Syriana and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. But Cole doesn’t recognize them because her film knowledge is extremely limited… she basically is only into Hollywood junk films.

      So, DON’T see the movie, but only because you decided from reviews the movie sucks. But don’t NOT see it because of Cole’s assessment (and I’m telling you, unless she can produce a ticket stub with her credit card listed, she never saw this movie).

      Why she would make up this article? I don’t know… maybe she hates Scarlett Johansson.

  27. Andy Roid says:

    another self-hating white woman. what a shocker. dont worry in 200 yrs when white people are only 0.3% of the Earth’s population, you’ll get your wish. as for the black people crying about not getting picked for the hollywood team, heres a thought: INVENT YOUR OWN SHIT. START YOUR OWN CINEMA COMPANY. do ANYTHING. ANYTHING for gods sake. how long will you people not do anything for yourselves and ride the coattails of those who do. africa is a shithole. granted you were slaves, you still have always been culturally 500 yrs behind everyone. be honest with yourselves. have you read The Little Red Hen? you dont help gather any ingredients for the bread and always want a slice. you cant expect everyone to add you to the shit they shed blood, sweat and tears for because its PC. MAKE YOUR OWN SHIT THEN CAST YOUR OWN ACTORS. finally, NEWSFLASH: ALTHOUGH SIMILAR IN APPEARANCE WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT JEWS!!! when you see the jewish owned and operated hollywood casting jews, complain about jews leave white people out of it. i have no ill will by the way, its just sad how you expect so much. best of luck.

    • gssmith21187 says:

      Right on. They have a sick pleasure in their self pity.

    • You have no ‘ill will’ yet you call a white woman who is merely giving her opinion on her own experiences, ‘self-hating’? Then you allude to your natural fear of distinction. People who are afraid always have ‘ill will’. If nothing else, own your emotions!

  28. Cj aka Elderofzyklons Blog says:

    Reblogged this on ElderofZyklon's Blog! and commented:
    The chutzpah of this anti-white genocidal dyke like feminist whore and potential enemy Jewess!
    I suspect Cole is a Jewess herself, as Cole is known to be a Anglicized version of the Jewish surname Cohen, and she certainly looks like a leftist feminist hook nosed Jewess devil!

    All i can say is Hitler is being proved to be right more as every minute passes!

    • gingerfires says:

      Dislike Cole for her lack of writing, not her ethnicity. You’re a horrible person.

    • If you ever find yourself unable to figure out how to follow through with your eventual suicide, just tell anyone you encounter about the worldview that your parents have bread into you and they’ll help you figure it out.

  29. There’s nothing in this post about white people loathing themselves – and there does seem to be a current of this in culture. What this post does is start the conversation about the concept of White Normality and the way it can subtly marginalize other ethnicities.

    In America, all that is white is usually considered “normal”, while non-whites are usually given a footnote or asterisk that borders on racism. It’s rarely intentional.

    Have you ever heard your grandparents talk about a successful black or Hispanic person as if it were something special? Like they defied the odds? They marvel at how this non-white person was able to accomplish something normally associated with whites. They’ve caught up to White Normality.

    That’s what this post gets at, and it’s what American whites need to be responsible for eliminating from their lives and culture, because it treats others as inferior, and that is the definition of racism. It has nothing to do with loathing ourselves for being white, but for rooting out inequality and injustice caused by the cultural perception of our whiteness.

    • Andy Roid says:

      yes. i have marveled at non-whites accomplishing something whites do. because its not in every races genetic capacity to do the same shit everyone else does. get over it. genetically, humans are like an RPG video game and some races have higher/lower stats than others. black people run fast, asians are good at math, white people invent shit. just how it is bro. not everyone gets picked for the team. WE ARE ALL NOT EQUAL. I REPEAT, NOT EQUAL. fuck… also, im personally not responsible for SHIT. if white elites and jews fuck someone over its not my problem. grow some balls and wake up.

      • Here you go again, but you have ‘no ill will’. From what I can see no-one said it was your problem. If you’re not interested, don’t give a shit and you don’t feel responsible (who said you were) jog on! Why are you on here commenting!?

  30. Ali D says:

    I’m British – do you have any villans for me to play?

  31. hatestheweb says:

    The problem is scripts are purposely written to evade the plausible concept of a colored cast without stereotypical dressing. Been so forever. Very sad.

  32. “If you do not understand white supremacy (racism) — what it is and how it works — everything else you understand will only confuse you.” — Neely Fuller, Jr.

    NEELY FULLER JR- What Are the White Supremacist Doing Now ( cartoon)

  33. I’m so sick of this color or nationality crap. People are people, and I have my favorite actors and actresses in movies. If they don’t have talent or personality then why would I want to see any of them on screen over and over, just because they are a certain race. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron!

  34. hatestheweb says:

    Excellent piece, by the way. :)

  35. gssmith21187 says:

    Blacks only make up 13% of the population (even though they are the loudest, most annoying) so yes, they have an equal representation in media.

    The western world belongs to white/Hispanic people. Sorry just the way it is.

    Besides, nobody watched black films. They don’t do well at box office. Y’all have BET. What more do you want? Blame your celebrities. Your beloved Oprah and Beyoncé are guilty of “whitening them selves”. It’s the celebrity world. They try to be attractive. White/Hispanic people are much better looking. Asians are in the middle. Blacks at the bottom.

    Films featuring white women do well. But not so much action films featuring a female superhero. They are hit or miss.

    • gingerfires says:

      This is all lies. “Black films”, often times do EXCEPTIONALLY well at the box office. Tyler Perry is a self-made millionaire you ignorant moron.

  36. James Mack says:

    I hope you have as much of a problem with white men being constantly derided as complete idiots in just about every advertisement on TV. Here’s a perfect example:

  37. So, two small points, and then a big one.

    First, they speak Mandarin in Taiwan… otherwise known as “standard Chinese”. Your piece seems to be indicating the character was some kind of idiot for not knowing they speak “Taiwanese” there… but she isn’t because they don’t (well, she still is, but no).

    Second, the oversimplification of this sentence “So I guess what’s sticking in my craw is the assertion that while human life originated in Africa—a detail the film neatly skims over, placing the ape-like Lucy that Johansson sees in North America—somehow the way we imagine the most evolved human being is blonde and white.” You are a white woman. Scarlett Johansson is a white woman. You both exist and have evolved, as have I, all the way from that life that originated in Africa. I don’t understand (and it looks like a lot of Huffington Post didn’t either) why the location of the origins of humanity would affect the race of a white girl used as a mule to get drugs over international lines (something drug dealers tend to use white girls for).

    Now, the big point. Believe it or not, though I’m disagreeing with you, I agree with your general point. It’s the solution that I have a major problem with. You caught social media’s ear with this one, but the world needs more than complaints, it needs solutions. And “start casting blacks” is not a solution.

    Hollywood is a business and must be thought of as a business. As cliché as it sounds, the only color that Hollywood cares about is green. Lucy in this film is white because Scarlett Johansson is white and it makes $40M instead of $2M because she’s a sexy young star. We don’t need to just start plugging people of color into lead roles, we need to start building people of color into stars and make those stars into brands that the studios cannot resist. Generally the path to stardom is through supporting roles. And right now, there are so many more people of color in supporting roles than there ever have been. This is partly due to an incentive offered by SAG where you get a break on their fees if you cast minorities in speaking roles, and this is partly due to Hollywood slowly learning that “holy shit, putting Anthony Mackie into Captain America 2 had black audiences turning out! Let’s do this again!” Then, hopefully Mackie gets a spinoff and hopefully becomes a star. It’s a slow progress, but it’s progress.

    There IS a giant obstacle right now in the way of this progress, however, and that is the international marketplace. Transformers has made $300M in China and counting. Studios have started designing big budget films to include international supporting casts. The Fast and the Furious movies for example. Or Iron Man 3 plugged Chinese roles in so that the film could qualify as a Chinese co-production. Even Lucy has a leading Korean actor playing the villain. While it’s great to see the international supporting casts, what is generally dictated in these is that they should be largely white. We are miles closer to solving our race problem than are most of the other countries in the world and so the US tailors its films to be white-led, internationally supported. Strangely, this is what the world wants. Some countries will only release a black-led film if there is a white supporting cast. It’s strange, I know, but I think it has something to do with their local citizens subconsciously associating a white cast with America and American movies means high production value. Hell, Hollywood may actually be responsible for launching these countries toward this stereotype.

    Finally, back on Marvel. Once in a while, a studio will be daring enough to take initiative. That would be Marvel. The entire point of their comics is equality. It always has been. When X-Men was created, the mutants paralleled the Civil Rights struggle. Professor X’s philosophy on achieving equality was modeled after MLK while Magneto’s was modeled after Malcolm X. That’s still visible even in the most recent film. Marvel knows that it is reaching children first and so they’ve added black supporting characters who save the white superheroes into the Iron Man and Captain America franchises. They’ve also changed Captain America to black in their comics and Thor to a woman. They want to re-inspire for a new generation… and to be an 8 year old and see that… to read those comics, see those movies and not see a white man as president again until they’re 18 (if even then)… those kids are going to be decades further than us on issues of equality.

    So, I guess I’m endorsing the message of Lucy (even though it’s written with the skill and precision of a first-time coat hanger abortion). The passing of knowledge is the key to evolution. I’m not saying wait it out… I’m saying the future’s going to keep getting better.

    Keep up the blogs on the subliminal messages retained from visual media. You’re certainly right that animated villains should never be drawn to look ethnic against white leads.

    • gingerfires says:

      Thank you for having the smartest comments on here (outside my own… lol)

      I’m not as kind to Cole though. I can’t help it. If you have an international platform you should have the knowledge to back it up.

      We all know Cole most likely wrote this piece on her computer. She could have EASILY googled the movie. Imdbed it. She would have seen that Korean actors played Taiwanese gangsters. She could have EASILY seen Choi Min-sik claim to American fame is the international BLOCKBUSTER “Oldboy”, from Korea. She could have seen that Spike Lee remade “Oldboy”, but chose to go with a white actor Josh Brolin. That could have CONTINUED her conspiracy theory on whitewashing!!!

      But she didn’t. Why? My presumption is the reason why she screwed up on originally saying the movie took place in China is because she is guilty of what a many of Americans are guilty of… not seeing Asian people.

      I am still amazed to this day a guy I know thought his friend of 15 years was Korean, when his friend was clearly, with accent, Filipino. LOL… kills me every time I think of their friendship…

      Cole could have capitalized on Amr Waked who is Egyptian! He was in the movie Syriana and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen – but, she didn’t. She excluded him from her report.

      She tweeted me saying “I was told” the movie took place in China.

      What does that mean? “I was told”???

      Who had to tell her? Is she blind? She didn’t google the movie before bashing it?

      How many people did she deter from seeing a movie based on her misinformation?

      Did she even see it?

      The film was RICH with diversity… African American diversity – no. But alas, Morgan Freeman was in it… and he was the MOST EVOLVED NATURAL character in the entire movie.

      And you initially hit on something I think EVERYONE IS TOTALLY MISSING HERE!!!!

      Don’t you think the studios cast Scarlett Johansson as a test to see if Marvel wants to do a Black Widow movie??? HELLOOOOOO!!!!

      You hit the nail on the head bringing up MONEY, SALES, INTERNATIONAL BOX OFFICE, and MARVEL… but now add them altogether!!!


      And Cole’s obsession with Johansson’s blue eyes and blonde hair is just her own manifestation of issues. If she would have googled this tricking stupid lame movie, she would have seen that Angelina Jolie, of brown hair and hazel eyes, was slated to originate the role of Lucy.

      Oh… how I loathe film critics with ZERO knowledge, but the audacity to ruin people careers JUST because she learned how to type.

      I can’t believe I’m defending such a lame film!!! But I do, because if you’re gonna put someone out of a job… have a good reason!

      • I was actually hoping to come off as a bit more constructive. I don’t think that Cole is foolish, I think she just got taken over by outrage (and I think you have too). And are there different kinds of Asians? I didn’t know that.

        To everyone else: Not all dissenters look the same, guys.

        Hollywood does in fact still have a race problem. Two years ago, execs would say that the least viable type of movie there could ever be was the black biopic. Then, because of a genius marketing campaign, 42 grossed $26M in its opening weekend with a no-name star all because of the smoothness of Jay-Z’s “Brooklyn Go Hard”. That single commercial… that opening gross… suddenly got about ten other black biopics greenlit. Most are in post or coming out soon. James Brown, Jesse Owens, Miles Davis, NWA, Tupac, MLK… google it. There’s a list from last year of fifty stalled black biopics (before they were rebooted).

        For more on Hollywood’s race problem, look to George Lucas on the Daily Show when he was promoting Red Tails:

      • gingerfires says:

        See, the think is I don’t need to google any of these movies coming out – I already know about them.

        Once again: if you are trying to champion diversity, but cannot see asian people or Egyptian people, then you have a vision problem.

        You, unfortunately, just like Cole, are only referencing African Americans. Does anyone know what diversity means?

        I digress. The world is a mess.

      • gingerfires says:

        You seriously didn’t know there are different kinds of Asians? South Asians?… wtf… I’m over it. People are idiots when it comes to race – but upset when they aren’t represented. I guess it’s all about being selfish.

      • Seriously, ginger… blinded by outrage. I was the one who pointed out that Mandarin is spoken in Taiwan, genius. Anyone reading with a level head would realize that ‘are there different kinds of Asians?’ is obviously a joke made off of your strange obsession of insisting we recognize Asian oppression as being a greater crime than that of blacks.

        Calm yourself and realize that there’s more to life than trolling this woman’s blog. Work toward resolution, not toward whatever the hell it is you’re struggling to achieve. Good luck to you going forward.

        P.S. Don’t use “i digress” when you mean “in summation”. I know that you don’t think you do… but you do.

      • gingerfires says:

        Yes, I totally praised you for bringing up the Mandarin factor – but once again, my entire point is being missed.

        Her title was, “I’m tired of seeing white people”. My point, once again is there’s a heck of a lot of Asian people you’re not seeing or empowering as significant. Then you volley back, how black people have been through more hardship?

        My point still stands: if you want diversity and equality it should be for all, not a select group.

        If the framework of the argument was, “I’m tired of seeing white people – gimme more black people”, that’s a different argument.

        I guess you support my view and many of Asian Americans that Asians are viewed as an invisible minority.

        And as for “trolling”, that’s such a through away. Cole said the same thing to me after 2 tweets I sent to her about mistakes in her column that she corrected but said I was nitpicking and trolling.

        One shouldn’t create open forums for discussion if they don’t want discussion. “Trolling”, to me, would been a form of harassment that engaged in nothing but. I am raising significant questions that are flaws to the argument.

        If you don’t value discussion, then seriously, why respond to me?

        And I said, “I digress” because initially I was over it.

        Maybe you should youtube some speeches by James Baldwin. Because seriously, when a white person or black American says “I’m tired of seeing movies about slavery” I want them to LIST all the movies they can even name about slavery, and further more, I want to realize what a damaging effect slavery did have on society. How can one just brush hundreds of years of damage under the rug?

        Look at the holocaust and nazi Germany and it’s depiction in Hollywood. Let’s just NAME some movies:
        Schilder’s List
        Sophie’s Choice
        Indiana Jones series
        Music Box
        Life is Beautiful
        Tea with Mussolini
        Inglorious Bastards
        The Reader
        Europa Europa
        The Producers
        The Diary of Anne Frank
        Triump of the Spirit

        I could list A THOUSAND MORE!

        So, when some pretends to be the champion for diversity and they’re favorite group of people are black Americans, and they say they don’t want to see movies about slavery, when literally Hollywood produces hardly any, I have to scratch my head… “Is it you want to deny this history actually happened? This is a narrative of millions of people!”

        Do you think this author would take the risk of saying, “I’m tired of seeing movies about nazi Germany!” And get praised for it?

        My WHOLE ENTIRE POINT has been THIS IS A POORLY WRITTEN ARTICLE and it’s supported by the Huffington Post.

        It’s one thing to say, “give us better representations of African American character” and specifically frame your argument to that – then I have no problem. None. Zero.

        But don’t then say stop making movies about slavery – when literally there is probably more Tyler Perry movies about Madea than black slavery.

        Don’t say stop making movies about house keepers, when the abuses of labor workers is the foundation of capitalism.

        Don’t say you don’t see diversity in film, when there are all these Asians in the movie… And the movie is taking place in Taiwan!

        Do you not see my point? LOL

      • Wait, you still seem to have a problem on ‘I digress’. It means you’re switching from a long topic of conversation. It’s not a clever way of saying “I’m done”. I mean, sure, if you want to follow it by silence… but you didn’t. You said “I digress. The world is a mess.”. The world is a mess is not a new topic. It’s your other topic. The phrase is “in summation”.

        Anyway, good luck with your sloppily-written hit pieces on what you deem to be poor writing. It’s nice to see that someone still gets irony.

        Just realize that if you spend this much time complaining that too much attention is being given to blacks and jews (as you seem to feel too many holocaust movies are made), then you’re no better than any of the other hateful posts here. If you’re looking to become a republican congressman, though, you’re on the right track.

        Peace out, champ.

  38. A related tangent- I’ve been going back to a lot of TV and movies from the 90’s and have been really surprised at how much more black mainstream entertainment used to be. Martin, Living Single, Girlfriends, A Different World, the blockbuster star that Will Smith was, etc. etc. etc. I just don’t see these kinds of shows today. Who is today’s Will Smith? He doesn’t exist. It’s so strange to me how a couple decades FORWARD (supposedly) has changed the face of entertainment. What the hell happened?

  39. dwil says:

    When anyone writes about Black people only, there’s always some drama head fighting for all-inclusive minority space – extolling it, as with Lucy, deriding that there might not be enough equal-race representation, elsewhere.


    The day any of actually internalize the absolute fact that African peoples ONLY – that’s right, ONLY – were brought to America in specially-designed ship hulls so that they could maximize the hull space by lying us body-to-body like sardines in a can, that we were left in said position for the ENTIRE trip (which is why the actual numbers of African brought to America is so, comparatively low – unknown numbers DIED and were tossed overboard like chum), so that they were forced to shit and piss on each other (yummy, huh?!).

    Then, when the newly-announced slaves who lived through the horror arrived on out lovely shores, they were hosed off – literally – and sold; plantation owners made sure to mix the tribes so intra-slave communication was minimal.

    These African slaves then had their native languages, literally, beaten out of them, so as to further disconnect them from themselves – oh yeah, and they worked ungodly hours, lived in ungodly conditions, and ate ungodly entrail-laden food stuffs.

    Since you should have a decent idea of the post 13th Amendment formation of White supremacist groups, let’s fast forward to the decades where there were completely segregated towns and cities. You need to note: nearly every time a Black town or city became too prosperous, said town or city, if in close enough proximity to its all-White counterpart, White people enlisted lawmakers from neighboring counties and even states to aid them in a planned, armed genocide of the residents of the Black town/city… NEARLY EVERY TIME (don’t let the references to Tulsa as the only occurrence of such terrorism fool you; that’s just done so we, Black people don’t become too outraged – and so that you, White people never know how just how murderous you were toward us. I mean, hell, if all of us, Black people, knew how often our hard-earned success was met with death and destruction, we might actually band together and see the entire picture for what it is – and we know how most of y’all so-called good folk would clamor for martial law and condone “kill niggers on sight” laws).

    I think I’ll stop there. If you don’t get it already, you don’t want to get it. See, I have no problem with Ms. Cole writing exclusively about Black U.S. citizens and/or treatment of Black people, globally.

    Y’all good folk have taken great pains to strike our achievements from the historical record – just as you’ve made primitive ALL non-White peoples of so-called prehistory (at least, pre YOUR history). You’ve taken equally great to rewrite what you can’t hide in a gross attempt to smooth over your past, terrorist acts toward us – just as you do it today.

    The funny thing is, we’re so suffering from collective PTSD, all we’d like is for you to admit what you’ve done and continue to do (and prosper from!), actually apologize in a heartfelt way, then chill out, and stop being so uptight about hoarding the shit you didn’t make in the first place, that you stole and killed for from other nations of non-White peoples, try being peaceful, and do things your so-called “democratic way” – you know, that way that says every person has the right to SELF-determination – where the grounds to achieve any dream we so desire is left to our own doing, our own winning or losing the competition —- ON EQUAL TERMS.

  40. […] Lucy: Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen. […]

  41. steelo5555 says:

    Jesus Christ why dont you just get some plastic surgery and make yourself black. You rant about how horrible it is to be privileged you are because God made you white. Go sew up your ass and be lonely the rest of your miserable life!

    • Exactly, she doesn’t understand that in non-majority White countries she is LEGALLY not wanted and yet she wants to give up her rights for them out of guilt for things that she didn’t even do.

  42. Mel says:

    One of the irony of the Exodus: god and kings movie is that they cast British/British-ish actors as the “slaves”/oppressed. The British are the OPPRESSORS in history not the oppressed. It sounds quite foolish when you hear Bale’s British accent saying, “let my people go.”

  43. […] Lucy: Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen. […]

  44. Makokha Opiyo says:

    Reblogged this on Makokha.

  45. There are many different cultures & ethnicities. We have countries so each has their own home. America was started by Europeans for Europeans. Native Americans didn’t have countries but had human sacrifice & slavery. Slavery was wrong, but all races had it & we ended it & gave them equal rights. In 2042 we officially become minorities due to Multiculturalism/Diversity while 93% of countries including Israel ban it. Multiculturalism = “White Guilt” not tolerance.

  46. Mr Mr says:

    yep, movies about white people tend to be alienating, and I am using the term loosly here are self serving attempts at heroism, when you walk out of the theater you realize that the whole matter is a complete fabrication of an alternate reality. Its the same with soap operahs, it makes people seem cheap, if you lived the life people have on television, even the phenomenon of Celebraty television you would realize how 2 demensional these people really are, only seeing themselves, and speaking about the mundane triffles of their alienated existance. There are no white people, thats for sure, but there is a fabrication of the identity that at once seemed alluring to others, if anything what you find is that people actually like watching shotty trash television, because they are not exposed or inclined to like anything else, the best way to go is to not watch trash from now on.

  47. Thank you Ms. Cole for your observation. History books in public schools depict whitewashing as well. You do not hear much of the great contributions and discoveries which were made by non-Europeans. Maybe it’s time we start set the record straight and deliver the truth to ALL. Perhaps then we will realize greatness is packaged in all Human Beings! All Lives really do matter!

  48. […] The first article by Olivia Cole was written in 2014 and outlines the perspective of the author, who is fed up with the amount of white people she continually sees on screen and the lack of cultural diversity that is present amongst on-screen casts. The article is here:… […]

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